Governance & Board
FCIM is owned and operated by the National Institute of Oriental Medicine, Inc., a Florida corporation that is required by state law to have a corporate Board of Directors consisting of its shareholders. To promote public participation in FCIM’s operational management and maintain the integrity and transparency of FCIM’s governance structure, the FCIM shareholders have chosen to establish a wider and more diversely representative management body – the FCIM Supervisory Board – to oversee the day-to-day management of FCIM’s affairs.
Pursuant to FCIM’s Bylaws, the FCIM Supervisory Board shall consist of no fewer than three (3) and no more than nine (9) adult members. To directly represent the practice and teaching of TCM, the FCIM Supervisory Board consists at all times of at least two (2) public members, one (1) faculty member and one (1) licensed TCM practitioner.
Consideration for membership on the FCIM Supervisory Board is based on candidates’ educational and experiential backgrounds. Graduate degrees and experience in higher education are preferred. Education and experience in business finance is another important consideration. General knowledge of TCM and personal experience with natural medicine are also desirable.
The FCIM Supervisory Board, subject to only limited oversight by the FCIM Board of Directors and/or FCIM shareholders, performs all of FCIM’s policy-making and decision-making functions; and its involvement covers the entire range of issues associated with FCIM’s ongoing operations. Members of the FCIM Administration report directly to the FICM Supervisory Board.
Please see below biographies of current members of the FCIM Supervisory Board.