Your voice matters! Whether you are a licensed practitioner, student, or a patient, we need your support and effort to contact your representative and ask them to vote NO on HB583 until Acupuncturists are included.
1. Find your representative with this link
2. Email them using the Patient Letter Template (Word) or Student Letter Template (Word) or AP Letter Template (Word)
3. These should be followed up with telephone calls to the district or Tallahassee office.
Join us in protecting the title and profession of acupuncturists! HB583 threatens to take away the title of "Acupuncture Physician" from qualified practitioners. We need your help to stop this bill. Contact your representative and ask them to vote NO on HB583. As a patient, student, or fellow acupuncturist, your voice matters in defending the integrity and professionalism of our field. Let's stand together and protect the rights of acupuncturists to use the title they have earned. Contact your representative today!
HB 583 is a “Solution looking for a problem.”
The title, Acupuncture Physician, is self-explanatory, and NOT confusing.
The title was accepted and codified in Florida for decades.
About 2,700, Acupuncture physicians in Florida use this title to advertise their small business.
The title makes no claim to the practice of Medicine or any other profession.
Sudden loss of a professional title, especially without cause, is traumatic to the profession.
HB 583 will crush college enrollment at the 6 acupuncture colleges in Florida.
HB 583 will discourage small business Acupuncture physicians from coming to FL.
HB 583 will likely force Acupuncture physicians practicing in FL to go elsewhere.
HB 583 will have a costly and harmful effect on Florida’s Acupuncture industry and profession.
No data has been presented to support “canceling” the Acupuncture physician title because it is deceptive or misleading to Florida consumers.